Most Indian airports have security checks at airport entrances and then security screening inside as well. With gender mentioned on documents and boarding passes, how difficult is it for trans people to pass in their “legal gender”, especially when on …
Traveling through an airport during transition has it own challenges, From security checks to the immigration to even using a restroom. Establishing ones identity is important, but it also poses its own set of problems for transgender people with gender …
Born into a large family with 6 sisters and 2 brothers, little did Sonia know that her transition from childhood to adulthood would be masked with searing pain and scars. She had a happy childhood and loved dancing. However, since …
The article accounts experiences four transgender women have had while transitioning on the Job. These women were each asked a series of questions ranging from coming out as transgender, the obstacles they faced to support, if any, from peers or …
Gender and sexuality are 2 different aspects that make an individual, but are often confused as same. We at, recently organized a seminar by Gopi Shankar madurai on gender and sexuality. Gopi is the founder founder of Shrishti Madurai, …