The exhibition is being held by Vital Voices, an international non-profit organization that trains and supports women leaders all around the globe. The main purpose of the project is to highlight those women who use their power to empower others …
UPDATE: Since the Transgender person’s protection of Rights Act, the name and gender change for transgender people have to be approved by a district magistrate (court judge). The procedures and rules for the judge are not fully confirmed yet. But …
प्रिय छोटी बहन, तुमने अभी तक ट्रांसिशन शुरू नहीं किया है और मैं भी वही रास्ते पर हूँ, बस तुमसे कुछ साल आगे। और मैंने सोचा कि पिछले कुछ सालों में एक लड़की के रूप में रहने की कोशिश करते …
Today, in different parts of the world, women are making their voices heard more than ever before. Whether it is the #Timesup #imwithher or #metoo movement, women across class, caste, income and race are banding together to claim their space …
I was 17 years of age when I learnt the actual difference between a man and a woman. Yeah that was When I first actually understood what puberty was. And realized what made a what made a woman a woman and …