Talk By Gopi Shankar Madurai on Gender Minorities of Ancient India
Gender and sexuality are 2 different aspects that make an individual, but are often confused as same. We at TransgenderIndia.com, recently organized a seminar by Gopi Shankar madurai on gender and sexuality. Gopi is the founder founder of Shrishti Madurai, A student movement which under the able leadership of Gopi has grown to be one of the premier organisation working on gender and sexuality today. Here is a recording of the seminar for all the interested people who could not attend the seminar.
Gopi speaks about the Gender and sexual diversity that exists in nature and also covers the rich cultural heritage of ancient India that acknowledged and celebrated this diversity. Gender and sexual diversity is a continuum and has always evolved with the mankind. It is not something novel and new that has been adopted from an alien culture. It existed in every cultural society and manifested itself in various different forms. what is novel and new is the intolerance and ignorance towards gender and sexual variance. This intolerance and ignorance has led to wide spread exploitation of transgender and sexual minorities in our India. Gross human right violations and child abuse is perpetuated on transgender people.
The only cure to ignorance is education. The society as a whole has to be educated and counselled to be more accepting and tolerant. It is a mammoth task that Gopi has endeavoured on.
We wish Gopi All the best in his journey and commend his efforts.
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Ingthsis like this liven things up around here.